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Cosmic dust clouds dim the light of background stars. But they also reflect the light of stars nearby. Since bright stars tend to radiate strongly in the blue portion of the visible spectrum, and the interstellar dust scatters blue light more strongly than red, the dusty reflection nebulae tend to be blue. Lovely examples are the wispy blue reflection nebulae near bright, hot stars Pi and Delta Scorpii in this telescopic skyscape from the head of the constellation Scorpius. Of course, the contrasting red emission nebulae are also caused by the hot stars' energetic radiation. Ultraviolet photons ionize hydrogen atoms in the interstellar clouds producing the characteristic red hydrogen alpha emission line as the electrons recombine. About 600 light-years away, the nebulae are found in the second version of the Sharpless Catalog as Sh2-1 (left, with reflection nebulae VdB 99) and Sh2-7. At that distance, this field of view is about 40 light-years across. [Text adapted from APOD]

Pubblications "Flickr" Explore - November 19, 2021
Optics: Takahashi E-130D F/3.3 430mm. - Newton Hyp
Mount: AP Mach1 GTO
Camera: Moravian G3-16200
Filters: Astrodon E Series Gen II LRGBHA 50mm unmounted
Guiding Systems: SX Lodestar
Dates/Times: May/June 2019
Location: Colle Fauniera - Cuneo Alps - Italy
Exposure Details: R:G:B => 90:70:60 = > (18x5):(14x5):(12x5) [num x minutes]
Cooling Details: -25 °C
Acquisition: Voyager Astrophotography Automation
Processing: CCDStack2+, PS CC
Mean FWHM: 1.21 / 2.05
SQM-L: 21.34 / 21.44